Proxy Python Requests Through Burp Suite

I write a lot of Python scripts that interact with websites using the requests module. To figure out the requests I need to make for say, logging in, I do the process manually while Burp Suite is running and then model it. It wasn’t until a few days ago while debugging that I wondered if I could proxy my Python programs to make sure it was sending the correct data.


I have Burp Suite running for both HTTP and HTTPS on localhost:8080.

import requests

# Initialize Session object
s = requests.Session()
s.proxies = {'http' : 'localhost:8080', 'https' : 'localhost:8080'}

r = s.get("", verify=False)

If verify is not set to False, it will exit with an SSLError since it can’t verifty the certificate from Burp Suite.

Now you can see the exact data Python sends.


Requests Documentation

Written on February 9, 2018